Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Practical Criticism - Figurative Language

Hello readers! This blog is based on the class activity assigned by Dilip Barad sir, English Department MKBU. Here I attempt to criticize a poem. Click here for reading poem


पहला मारने से पहले

अंतिम इच्छा जरूर पूछता है

क्योंकि वह 

एक संविधान से बंधा है


पहले जात पूछता है

धर्म पूछता है

फिर मारता है

क्योंकि वह 

एक महान संस्कृति का अनुयायी है


कुछ भी नहीं पूछता

बस मार डालता है

क्योंकि वह

जाति, धर्म, संविधान कुछ भी नहीं मानता

और जब हम 

इन तीनों के हमले का प्रतिकार करते हैं

राष्ट्र की आंतरिक सुरक्षा के लिए

खतरा बन जाते हैं

Problematic things in poem:

Here the poet compares terrific conflicts and religious riot with constitutional punishments. 

पहला मारने से पहले

अंतिम इच्छा जरूर पूछता है

क्योंकि वह 

एक संविधान से बंधा है

"संविधान" gives equal rights to people and Criminals are punished according to the rules of the constitution.

मृत्युदंड पर भारतीय परिदृश्य

हत्या के मामले में आईपीसी की धारा 302 के तहत, न्यायाधीश मौत की सजा और आजीवन कारावास के बीच चयन कर सकते हैं यानि मृत्युदंड का निर्णय न्यायाधीश के विवेक पर छोड़ दिया गया है। 

In next stanza poet says that,

पहले जात पूछता है

धर्म पूछता है

फिर मारता है

क्योंकि वह 

एक महान संस्कृति का अनुयायी है

Here word "महान संस्कृति" presents the satirical tone of the poem. Religion or Religious beliefs never teach to kill others. Here I will give examples from some religious beliefs. 


The Hindu belief is totally non-exclusive and accepts all other faiths and religious paths. In fact, an ancient Vedic text says that God or Truth is one and wise people refer to it by very many names.


The cousin of the Prophet Mohamed and leader of the Muslims after the Prophet, Imam Ali states “Know that people are of two types: they are either your brothers in religion or your equals in creation.” 

(Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 53)

Meaning that all people, no matter what religion, race or class they come from, are supposed to be treated equally, because either people are your Muslim brethren, or your equals in humanity who have the same rights as you and cannot be discriminated against or disrespected for their beliefs. In fact, to disrespect another religion is explicitly condemned in the Quran; 

“Do not abuse those whom they worship besides Allah” (6:109). 

If a person claims to be Muslim, he is not allowed to insult or disrespect another religion. This is forbidden according to the Qur'an.

God loves justice and those who strive to practice it, especially toward people who are different from them in any way, including in matters of religious belief. (ref. Qur’an, 5:8 and 60:8)


We all are childrens of God. We Christians have to learn that people of other faiths are not only created by, but also sustained by, God the Creator. The Biblical understanding of God as creator should lead to understand that all people, their cultures and spiritualities are within the sphere of God’s love.

Aim of the poet:

Poem is written in a satirical tone. Poet tries to satire our society. Poet here raises the question, "Do we have any right to kill anyone?" There is a very famous story of Jesus and the woman taken in adultery. This episode gives us a message of mercy and forgiveness. Jesus says that 'the one who is without sin is the one who should cast the first stone at her.'

Another issue is also being discussed whether the death penalty should be given or not. One argument in favor of the death penalty is that it reinforces the belief in society that bad with bad and good with good ultimately. But if the state cannot give life, then what moral right does it have to end life? So the question is, what should we do, should the criminals be freed, should they not be punished for their bad deeds? Here is a famous quote by Gandhiji related with this discussion - 'अपराध से घृणा करो अपराधी से नहीं'

Click here for more information

As discussed earlier, religion never teaches to kill another person in the name of religious beliefs but it teaches to respect every human being so why do people kill each other in the name of religion. In television and news we always see religious riots and terrorist attacks. 

Communal clashes in Leicester:

In the next stanza the poet attacks people who have power like politicians, businessman. They harees innocent people and if one ventures to speak of injustice, he is either disproved or repressed by the power of authority. That person has proved to be a threat to the country. Journalists and writers who protest their wrongdoings and injustices are stopped from speaking and sometimes even sent to jail without charge.

"Protesting in a democracy does not mean treason". 

              - Supreme court 

Click here for read article

Poem written in very simple language. It directly addresses readers and also very easy to understand. Poem convey a message of humanity to all human beings. 


Words - 892

Images - 3

Videos -  1

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