Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"Raat Rani " From Modern Love Mumbai to understand the Concept of Independence

Hy Readers! This blog is written in response to the thinking activity assigned by Vaidehi ma'am, from The English Department, MKBU Bhavnagar. I wrote this blog as part of studying post - independence Indian English literature. Here I'm trying to explore the understanding of Independence through the lens of the first episode of the web series 'Modern Love Mumbai' , "Raat Rani".

Raat Rani is an episode of a series named 'Modern Love Mumbai' which aired on May 13, 2002 on Amazon Prime. This episode Directed by Shonali Bose, Written by John Belanger, Devika Bhagat and Nilesh Maniyar and star cast are Fatima Sana Shaikh, Bhupendra Jadawat and Dilip Prabhavalkar. The series is an anthology of 8 unique stories that depicts various kinds of love. 'Raat rani' is the first story of the eight part series. This episode is directed by Shonali Bose and the main character is portrayed by Fatima Sana Shaikh.

Raat rani is the story of Lali, a cook who lives in Mumbai with her security guard husband Lutfi, away from their native town from Kashmir. They live a normal life by working hard but one day her husband Lutfi leaves house and dumps Lali. The story tells how Lali becomes emotionally independent as she already was financially and individually independent.

Here are some questions suggested by Ma'am:

1) List down the contradictory symbols you observed in the episode “Raat Rani”.

2) Which is your favorite symbol from Raat Rani? Why?

3) Which is your favorite frame from the episode? Why?

4) Compare and write a note on all the women characters from Raat Rani.

5) “Courage is Contagious” – Give an example for this from the episode.

6) Share a picture of yours with a woman who is your source of courage. Give a creative title to it.

1) List down the contradictory symbols you observed in the episode “Raat Rani”

1.Ice Cream:

At the beginning of the episode, Lali shares ice cream with her husband, Lutfi. However, as the story progresses and their relationship crumbles, Lali starts enjoying ice cream alone, symbolizing her transformation and newfound independence.

2. Broken Ceilings:

Traditionally, repairing a broken ceiling is considered a man's duty in society. However, Lali takes matters into her own hands and fixes the ceiling herself, challenging the stereotype and asserting her independence.

3. The Flyover:

The flyover plays a significant role in the episode, symbolizing Lali's journey towards courage and independence. It becomes a metaphorical bridge that she must cross to overcome challenges, break free from societal norms, and find her own path to happiness.

4. Taj Mahal:

In this frame, Lali is breaking up with her husband, and we can see the Taj Mahal in the background, which is a symbol of love. This deliberate contrast prompts us to ponder the significance of juxtaposing these two conflicting elements.

2) Which is your favorite symbol from Raat Rani? Why?

There are so many symbols in the episode but my favorite one is the flower of “Raat Rani”.

रातरानी की महक से साप निकल आते है तो उसकी महक दबाने के लिए लोग बाजुमें एक और पेड़ लगा देते है ‘दिन का राजा’. अब दिन का राजा लगाओ या बेंड का बाजा बजाओ, उससे रातरानी की खुश्बू तो काम नही होगी ना ?

The symbol of the "Raat Rani Flower" holds significance, especially as it is also the name of the episode. Towards the end, Lali explains the importance of this flower, mentioning a long-standing belief that Raat Rani flowers attract snakes. Due to the overwhelmingly pleasant smell of the Sandalwood tree and certain fragrant flowers like Raat Rani, it is believed that these scents draw in snakes. Consequently, people are cautioned against cultivating these plants at home. Raat Rani's smell is very powerful and as Lali said, the extraordinary potency of Raat Rani's fragrance, noting that nothing can overpower its smell.

3) Which is your favorite frame from the episode? Why?

In this picture, the woman's happy and carefree expression, along with the way she holds her hand, shows her joy. What makes this scene intriguing is the dialogue spoken by the female character.

Not Allowed!

Not Allowed! 

Two Wheeler Not Allowed!

Lalzari (Lali) college जाना Not Allowed!

रात को बाहर निकलना Not Allowed!

प्यार करना Not Allowed!

Law Cast की लड़की से प्यार करना तो बिल्कुल Not Allowed!

और जब उसने छोड़ दिया तो खुश रहना Not Allowed!

और क्या क्या Not Allowed है!!!!!!

Through her dialogues, we can observe her desire to break societal norms for women. The words she speaks, her expressions, the frame, and her emotions all convey a clear message: she has discovered her true self, and she is independent. She doesn't need a man for happiness or laughter.

4) Compare and write a note on all the women characters from Raat Rani.

In "Raat Rani," every woman has her own view on life and independence. Lali, the main character, shows a lot of courage. She goes against the usual rules, fixes her ceiling, and starts her own business to follow her dreams. The other women in the episode also have different opinions on independence. One likes her freedom from diet rules, and another watches Lali with interest. These characters show the different ways women deal with society's expectations and stand up for their independence.

5) “Courage is Contagious” – Give an example for this from the episode.

This episode teaches us that when someone is brave, it inspires others to be brave too. Lali's courage to fix her ceiling, begin her own business, and face challenges affects the other women. Lali takes a stand for herself when she crosses a flyover she gets confident and starts taking a stand for herself. At the end of the episode all female characters change and start thinking about their own lives, finding the strength to stand up to their problems.

6) Share a picture of yours with a woman who is your source of courage. Give a creative title to it.

My teachers and professors are my greatest inspiration. 


"Raat Rani" from "Modern Love Mumbai" provides a thought-provoking exploration of independence through the lens of its complex characters and symbolic elements. This story reminds us that independence is a unique journey for each person, and having the bravery to go against societal expectations can inspire others. The episode motivates us to discover our own ways to happiness and freedom, just like Lali did when she crossed the symbolic bridge in her life.

Words - 1,072

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