Monday, August 1, 2022

The History Of Neoclassical Age

1.Portrayal of humans in Neo-classical novels. 

 Neoclassical Age - (1600-1798)

"Learn hence for ancient rules a just esteem; 
To copy nature is to copy them”

-Alexander Pope 
The neoclassical period of literature is also known as the Enlightenment Period. Neoclassical authors saw the world under a new light, unlike the previous two eras. the writers of this era gave more importance to social needs as compared to individual needs.

Famous Novels Of Neoclassical Age

   The Rape of The Lock

      Gulliver's Travels

       The History of Tom Jones, a                Foundling 

The Rape of the Lock is a mock-heroic narrative poem written by Alexander Pope. Neoclassical writer's believe that imagination is more important than knowledge.  They try to understand about  nature, god, society and the reasons of their existence. Sometime it is against of religion practice of that time. They also focused on male character of society. It's time when many female writer like Elizabeth Montagu Sarah Fielding started writing.

2.Write in brief about your favourite major/minor - writer/poet of the age.

              John Dryden (1631-1700)

John Dryden was considered as “the father of English Criticism”. He was appointed England's first Poet Laureate in 1668. He wrote 2 original satires Mac Flecknoe and The Medall. His most famous poem Absalom And Achitophel.

All for love (1677) is Heroic drama by John Dryden which is now his best-known and most performed play. It is a tragedy written in blank verse.

 3.Tom Jones/ Moll Flanders as picaresque novels.

   Moll Flanders Novel is written by Daniel Defoe, published in 1722.  This Novel is considered as an example of picaresque novel. 
  It is about a poor young woman from London who becomes a criminal by necessity to support her child. Their are two main characters in the novel. One is Moll and the other is Flanders who represents the real world.
  The picaresque novel is a genre of prose fiction. There are often some elements of comedy and satire. Moll Flanders is not pure tregedy or pure comedy. The novel presented a tragic and realistic view of life. Tragic situation are recounted in satirical way.
   It also has elements of realism, fantacy and satire. The picaresque novel is sometimes described as a social novel. This is because it deals with real world.


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